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  White Widow first indoor garden - Beautiful! (Avg Rating: 7.9 in 26 votes)   Texas, USA
DescriptionThis is my first experience in growing weed and so far it has been very exciting. I've gone from having the plants outside to moving them into a closet to finally moving them to the attic. I started off with a bunch of cardboard and a vent attached to my A/C for ventelation, but this didn't last long. I ended up investing a great deal of money in material and attached are pictures of the final product. I started on 4/1/2005, and things are looking good. I overferted a couple of times, but only one plant shows stress from this. The other two are beautiful! Enjoy! The most recent pics I've uploaded are almost a week old. I will be posting current shots tomorrow, and boy are they looking nice...
# Plants3
StrainsWhite Widow
Lights2x500W & 4x150W equiv. Fluorex
MediumPotting Soil from Home Depot
YieldShooting for 12-16 Oz...
First Marijuana Picture

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  Pictures (63 total)
8 Weeks #7 My housing is getting a bit tight... Nothing I can do about it though... I'm sure they'll adapt. 06/09/05
8 Weeks Bud Shot Here's a blurry shot of the bud. They're coming along nicely... 06/09/05
9 Weeks #1 Here's a side shot at 9 weeks. I'm having a few leaves turn yellow near the bottom especially on the plant I stressed out with ferts... I know that this is somewhat normal, but I'm getting a little worried about this plant. It looks okay here, but I've had to pull off quite a few dead leaves this past week. Current pics will be posted tomorrow. 06/09/05
9 Weeks Buds shot Look at all the little buds! Boy it's hard to wait especially since I'm outta smoke... 06/09/05
9 Weeks Blurry Bud Here's a blurry bud shot, but you can see the size... Not bad... 6 more weeks to go! 06/09/05
9 Weeks #2 Here you can see just how crowded it's getting in there. Can't even see the floor, and you can hardly see the side lighting which is 150w equiv! 06/09/05
9 Weeks #3 Good distance shot of all 3 06/09/05
9 Weeks Fav. This is my favorite shot. You can see all 3 plants and the top buds that are forming... 06/09/05
9 Weeks #4 Here's the view from the other side... Nice... 06/09/05
10 Weeks #1 Here's the standard side shot. 06/10/05

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