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  Get Lifted Closet Garden (Avg Rating: 2.6 in 14 votes)   Los Angeles, CA
DescriptionThis is my first time growing. The gangstas leave seeds in da bag and I'm trying to grow em'. In the corner of my closet I put up some aluminum foil on the walls and started my seeds in trays. I started with one philips 120 watt agrolight but now have two + a fluor. 15 plant light that looks red. I am using Fox Farm Ocean soil with F.F. Big Grow fertilizer. I hope neither my dad or cat gets to my garden, just look at some of those chewed leaves! Get lifted while enjoying my garden ;)
# Plants7
StrainsFidel's Special
Lights2x 120 watt Agrolight 1- Floures
MediumFox Farm Ocean Farm
First Marijuana Picture

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  Pictures (18 total)
Week 2 Here they are. Still comming back from that cat attack... 04/03/05
DaKing This is the largest plant. I named him the king after my boss at work. When he's mad he'll be smoking. 04/03/05
Week 3 #1 This is a group shot. They sure have gotten bigger... 04/14/05
Week 3 #2 Another close up of the king. He was falling over because his stem is too long. I need to buy those sticks and twist ties. 04/14/05
Week 3 #3 One of the many other close ups. They are very dark green. Is this good? You would think I should know since I am a biology major at school. 04/14/05
The Lights Here are my Philips Agrolights. That's right I got 2 of em'. I read somewhere that they are similar to another light that is full spectrum. I am sorry I can't afford those HPS or MH lights yet. 04/14/05
The Lights2 Here is a shot of my setup in my closet. I have alot of space but not enough light probably. Nothing beats .99 cent foil on the walls. Anyone notice my Megadeth poster in the back? 04/14/05
Week 3 #4 Here is kind of a close up of Michael Jr. As you can see he has a very long stem. I know he wants more light but he sure is growing Ok so far... 04/14/05
Week 4 #1 This is the forth week. It's like a mini forest now. I moved them to the floor, they are getting to big. 04/18/05
Week4 #2 Yessss, more leaves. More LEAVES!!! I can start to smell the weed leaf smell, Ahhhhhhhhhhh. 04/18/05

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