Whos religious?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by EvilSkuzzi, May 13, 2009.


Whos religious?

  1. Christian

    0 vote(s)
  2. Muslim

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  3. Hindu

    0 vote(s)
  4. Buddist

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  5. Satanist

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  6. Athiest

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  7. Other

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  1. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    That is what my sister, the psychologist would say, but she and you also have no firm data to confirm it! So HA! :smoke2:
  2. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Yes they do. They put ppl in brain scanning machines and get them to think. Different parts of the brain generate more electrical energy when different emotion or tasks occur or are preformed. That proves to me the electrcial impuses generate feelings etc.
  3. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    I have to agree with skuzzi here. It is long term memory that has baffled them for years. They have demonstrated how short term memory is due to feed back loops that are generated when exposed to re-occuring stimuli. How those memories and loops are able to confer long term memory that we can recall years later. Now you know why you will have been beating yourself to death for an answer you know but couldn't remember then out of nowhere bam something happens that "spraks" your memory. Pretty crazy shit.
  4. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Skunky...I'm not saying evolution doesn't exist....I firmly believe in it. What I'm saying is that Darwin's theory of evolution is flawed and has been disproven by science in the more recent past. I can't give you links to that info I'm afraid...it's been quite some time since I was interested in this subject and found the info. My long term memory sucks at best.

    What I do know and you yourself can investigate is that Darwin was heavily involved in Eugenics and his theories observations were based on that perspective. Many of the things he came up with were very far fetched.

    I said in another thread that MY theory is that we are genetically modified hybrids. That's why our DNA matches chimps so closely.....however.....there is a fused pair of chromosomes that scientist have found that does not happen in nature....it can only happen by manipulation. They don;t know HOW that's happened but it's there. It's also enough to disp[rove that we evolved from apes. I don't by it simply because we can't find a common link. That's not to say we won't....if we do then I'll think otherwise, but for now....I'm going with alien DNA added to a creature from THIS planet to make humans. There's a lot of writings about that from the ancient Sumerians as well as other ancient writings. Is it truth? I don't know...but that's MY story and I'm sticking to it. Science to me is as bad as religion because both think they're right and close their minds to further discovery. That's what Darwin did....study up on the man instead of his theory....then tell me what you think. ;)
  5. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    I use to believe in that hybrid theory, but do no longer.

    The fused chromosomes you talk about herb are found in apes just seperate. Humans have 23 pairs, apes have 24. It doesnt seem so far fetched that in the evolution process these two chromosomes fused together, that occurs in nature regularly. No manipulation required except time and enviroment.
  6. TheFomorian

    TheFomorian Neo-Shaman

    Enoch is a good one with the ET stuff:


    It's interesting to note how Enoch describes the Son of Man as having the appearence of a man, as if that was the exception when dealing with these beings.
  7. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    I would like to know about this fusion that can't happen in nature. Breaks and fusions are common mutations. No manipulation required. BCL-2 and BCR-ABL are good examples that are pretty common in certain cancers. No disrespect to your theory I just don't buy that there is some forbidden chromosomal fusion. Also, if that were the case it wouldn't mean it couldn't happen just that we don't know the mechanism behind it.

    As for Darwin, I'm familiar with Eugenics. It was almost like a older movement for genetic enhancement except through natural mating means instead of genetic modification. Actually Eugenics was coined by his cousin. Also, a lot of people misunderstood and took it to more extreme wanting to force sterilization upon people with genetic diseases and such to remove it form the gene pool. I know all about that and he didn't derive his theories from Eugenics, Eugenics was derived from Evolution. It came some 20 years later.:thumbsup:

    Hold up I just saw PTKO post and if this has to do with difference in chromosome number then yea you guys definitely need my help. Chromosome number is dependent on the number of breaks and fusion events possibly to protect genes and or better control transcription regulation of genes. Wanna see something fucked up! Muntjak! The Chinese muntjak has 46 chromosomes while the Indian muntjak has 6 for female and 7 for males. Chromosome number has nothing to do with anything except exclusion. For example a earth quake causes a mountain range that segregated the two type of deer and in the two different environments the encountered different things that lead to the rearrangment of there genetic material of thousands of years then forming two newly segregated species that are basically identical in genetic information with the only major difference being in their natural allelic polymorphisms(those that allow for variation in things like eye color and thing like that) and their karyotype(one having more metaphase chromosomes than the other).
    Mermaid likes this.
  8. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    No one knows,we can only surmise,anyone claiming the answers is nailed to the cross!

    Interesting stuff! Simple answer if you believe in religion or christianity...god gave us free will and created us in his own image.

    Put it this way for every nay sayers answer i could given time research a reply in turn,its an argument that wnt ever be settled in our lifetime or the end of days...what is it you american christians call it and look forward to with glee....THE RAPTURE?

    I get all the bits about 'why did god do this and that then,why does he want to be worshipped,etc' ,well if i was all seeing all powerful and i took time and effort to build a universe and bang it into creation and put every living resource needed on that planet and created a man in my own image and then made a companion in a woman to satisfy him and children to satisfy all then id at least expect my simcity people to pay homage at least

    ...it is true they say god is mercifull but remember it also says in the new testament that MERCY CANNOT ROB JUSTICE,i mean some very clever men are in that bible and the torah and the koran,Abraham was shown the secrets to time and all other matters of the universe and he in turn went among the egyptians and tqaught them all they knew,he was well respected till the israelites escaped bondage and all statues and tombs of joseph,abraham and moses were totally destroyed so they were never to be found among egyptian writings.

    According to the myans whose calender counts down to zero,they reckon 2012 or 2013 on 23rd december is the end as we know it,they too had sacred texts that explained all but the invading spanish catholics built churches on the sites of their temples and burnt every text they could find,only a few survived andit turned out they were a ppl of sophistication and not wild and barbaric as the spanish thought,in fact they prolly knew a lot more than us in europe but thats another story.

    All im saying is jesus only lived 2 millenia ago and we have records orally and written down of things he said and did and most religions agree on this so why do we readily believe that stuff we find drawn or written in caves from 7 millenia ago is fact yet a story from 2k years ago is fable and fiction.

    Heres my take,there was a true church of worship and with worship or acknowledgment of god there came blessings upon the ppl but when they apostasised like the romans aka catholics crucified peter(*the 'rock' jesus built his church upon) i firmly believe that the fading roman empire made their own bishop of rome no different to a roman emporer except they got worshipped even more so when they met at the council of nicea(this is when eastern and western orthodox churches split and becamne divided) i believe that many plain and prescious parts of the new testament were removed to stop our understanding,i mean ffs they used tio only read the bible in latin to farmers who couldnt read or write their own language,constantine new his days were numbered so he simply took control of the religion jc started and peter took over from,every other religion from that day forth is untrue....

    BUT I DO BELIEVE THEIR WAS A REAL AND TRUE RELIGION that mmy return one day if we blow open the vatican vaults!

    The bible aint translated correctly,it was taken from hebrew to greek or latin then to english so sure theres gonna be a few mistakes cos some jewish words meant more than one or two things,i aint down with catholicism at all,they are the whore of the earth i firmly believe as mentioned in revelations.Also touching on reples to do with the old testament,jesus arrival was thee fulfillment of that book,it had been prophecised for many years and he came and in a short life span gathered many followers and to this day still has believers....surely he MUST have existed and if he existed then surely some of what was written about him ws true,and if there is a satn their HAs to be a god:ponder:

    Like i said each to their own and live and let live respectfully but i go with my gut and my gut tells me theres MUCH MORE to life than rotting in a coffin when you die,the burst of energy in experiments by science proves an energy source DOES EMIT from the body at moment of death,WHERE DOES IT GO??? Another dimension perhaps,who knows,all i know is no man alive has the answer cos they aint died and came back to tell the tale so obviiously expecting people to put FAITH into summit not tangible or see-able is to be expected.But our souls live on,in some way,im sure of it,i aint no religious nut,im very much open to suggestions but respectfully to all aethists,i just cnnot accept we live and die and rot in the ground end of,nah theres gotta be more,our souls disconnect from our mortal bodies when they die and where they go would only be pure speculation.

    The day someone comes on growkind saying they have all the answers to religion is the day they get nailed to the cross by all,lol.Its all down to personal belief,maybe it was my chritian upbringing,in the UK we aint as fervent as in the states,we dont bomb abortion clinics and shit,you go to your church of scotland or local parish church or whatever,mosque,synagogue,etc but its more low key than in america,it seems to be a real touchy subject over there,even skuzzis beliefs are accepted and no one would critique him for his beliefs here in the UK.

    Live and let live... im hedging my bets,lol,if their is a hell escalator going down i dont wanna be on it,i wanna be going up or into a better place,the reason i think god did what he did at sodom and gomorrah and with lot is cos it was all to do with order,it says gods house is a house of order,just like we have the law to obey,maybe he lives a higher law than us and some people just became an abomination in his eyes so he started over saving only the ones who freely believed,i mean id be pissed if i created the world and all in it for mans pleasure and they all turned against me,lol!

    As for adam and eve,the woman shouldnt take as much blame as adam,she was conned and although knew it was wrong she was curious,after she ate the applle adam knowing full well the consequences made a decision that h would rather eat of it too and be banished WITH his woman rather than live in eden alone without her.Its deep stuff and science can only explain so much ,same goes for religious people so we will never know till we go,the argument is academic TBH.Read the bible stoned it works for me,lol,same with the koran,etc.Each to their own i say period,just saying i toally dont believe this life s we know it is the be all and end all,how do you explain guys like john edwards and colin fry who converse with spirits and iv seen them tell pppl specific shit that only that peron knew,even the ppl were skeptics but after being on the tv show or tour they go home believing in SOMETHING and thats what im saying

    WHAT CAN I SAY,IM AN ETERNAL OPTIMIST,TO ME THE GLASS IS ALWAYS HALF FULL RATHER THAN HALF EMPTY,it just all depends on the stance and from what perspective your looking from,i know people that have hardcore life changing experience and some said its just meant to be,others attributed it to some kind of guardian angel like a dead family member looking out for them,some even converse with spirits...im afraid science is even out of answers when it comes to certain aspects like that,afteral science only offers theories and religion only offers 'blessings' that a skeptic could easily lay down to good luck or co incidince,i do think it takes a life changing experience like nearly dying to awaken our spiritual side fully to appreciate all we have but all is said and done there will always be people who believe its co incidince or some who believe its divine intervention,others simply fail to live up to a few simple commandments and thqats why they give up on religion.


    ...like i said ,prolly locked and hidden away in the vatican vaults.RELIGION DONT HAVE TO BE ORGANISED,YOU COULD HAVE A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP AS IN YOU BELIEVE IN GOD BUT ON YOUR TERMS,ETC.Summit to ponder while i roll a spliff.Peace:potleaf:

    PS:Skunky,yes their is chaos...but its a form of ORGANISED chaos which is hard to grasp but possible entirely,what seems like chaos to us could in fact be part of a grand design for life ...we will never know in this lifetime put it that way,peace:redbong:
  9. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    I do have a nice response, however at this time I am time slightly drunk and fatigued from voracious afternoon sex with a little hottie.

    So I am really just bumping this, but I have to clarify my skimmings -

    HS did you say we are a manipulated hybrid? If so, I dont care how buzzed I am, I want what you're toking.....
  10. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    And I respect you AP or any member's beliefs.....it is a touchy or personal subject to many which your right, who will come back to GK to post what or why? Anywhos the reason I quoted those parts is because I still want to know your take on if he created Adam and Eve, plus animals and other living creatures? So they were allowed to multiply yet Adam and her were not allowed??

    Why did he test them to not be naughty and also if he created her from Adam's rib....they were siblings so what did he think would happen? That is incest so what I am asking is do you think JC was just sitting back thinking hmmmm let's see if they create inbred children and why?? Do you get where I am going and why I ask you? Just want to know why this seems logical or even true to christians??

    Anywhos PTKO and Skunky....wow trippy and intense so need to think on that subject Very interesting but I know some but need to read up. ;)

    Love a scientific opinion for that makes MORE sense then the bible as yes it to me is a fairy tale. Sorry to those who believe, just my opinion only for I need FACTs and logic to believe...just how I roll. :)

    BTW......not only apes are much like us. Even pigs have similar organs which is why they use them for research. ;) Not the mannerisms but for medical science they are used lots but so are rats.

    As for personality traits, they speculate but still there is NO concrete evidence on how or why? We do know most personality's are formed by age 5 which I do believe to be true.

    Also....every child is born with a unique set of personality traits. Just survey any woman who has given birth to two or more children and she will tell you that even while still in the womb her children showed marked differences in their behavior. For instance......One "demands" more room to move, chews on the umbilical cord, and refuses to accept a variety of foods that their mum selects. Then one will go to bed at night all mellow or quiet with little fuss and the other child is more needy or demanding......so strange but true.

    Everyone knows that no two sets of fingerprints are alike. How could we possibly believe that human personalities are any less individual than fingerprints? Now I do think personalities are formed at an early age but can be altered by outside influences like trauma, abuse or hard core drugs.

    Anywhos.....digging this whole scientific aspect and discussion.

    BTW.....we have some very intelligent and members who are deep!!! Gotta love you men who have high IQ's and use those brains....big turn on as I too love a deep interesting debate or convo. :thumbsup:

    We all learn something new or a different view....like this thread and the last posts made. Learned something I did not know!! Kudos!!
  11. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    i aint got the answers,just the questions and theories,etc,lol...

    Its NOT logical in all honesty,dont mean its wrong though,every nation and religion in the world has a similar story to that of the creation of adam and eve,heres my understanding,bearing in mind i stopped attendinmg any form of organised religion age 11 but i read a lot,lol... mary and joseph were both first cousins from the royal bloodline of david and it was prophesised that the mesiah would come from the royal david city of bethlehem but cos jesus grew up in nazareth he wasnt accepted as from bethlehem he was a nazarene yet aged 14 he was at the templle telling rabbis they were wrong in their beliefs and why.

    II dont wanna cme across as too anti catholic cos its the vatican thats dodgy not the congrgation but at the council of nicea they removed huge volumes of the gospels which is why they were re written hundres of years later,i believe jesus got married to mary of magdalene and the 'church' didnt want the masses to know this cos jc commanded ppl to get married yet priests do not so how can they teach jesus's parables and what they mean when they dont live by them theirselves,i DO know jesus didnt command them to go molst lil boys worldwide,in scotland its a disgrace,trial after trial of catholic priests jailed for rape,molestation,etc but they get half the jailtime me or you would put it that way:angry7: sickos!

    Im interested to see if anyone else is brave enough to come in on this debate without clling bullshit,keep an open mind,im open to what you say,what skunky or res or herb,etc says,i dont have a closed mind and i do not attend any church and for many many years for that fact but i still believe jc lived,died and ws resurrected and i believe the roman empire saw christianity as a way to hold onto power in its crumbling empire,the end result of the council of nicea was the church split in two as east didnt agree with western beliefs,they didnt agree with the removal of prescious gospels,for all we know theres many gospels still out there in the world,i mean the dead sesa scrolls was a huge find and i believe more ike it will happen .Sciience is just trying to explain how things can occur but they cant prove that god DIDNT make them occur,its a stalemate forever imo,dont brand me christian,i believe in karma thats religious,i am open to othr aspects of other religions but i admit if asked on a form if i was christian i would say yes as i was baptisd one even though i stopped going ,my gut has always told me that theres truth to be found.Anyone else wanna chime in and run the christian gauntlet:icon_lol:peace:potleaf:

    Well if adam and eve were the first(adam is supposed to be the arch angel micheal who chased satan and his whordes of rebels outta heaven) then if you accept this and that theres a grand plan set out by a creator then its easy to accept,the world was built and "it was good",the garden of eden was paradise,adam and eve knew nothing,no right or wrong so they wouldnt even know HOW to multiply at that stage until they were commanded after eating of the forbiden fruit to go out into the world and multiply,techically seeing eve was almost a clone of adam who was created allegedly from the dust of the earth and a bit of life breathed into him,so eve was a female clone(is that why guys have one less rib than woman or is it vice versa or am i listening to a myth:ponder:) so the bloodline was pure and the simple fact is if they didnt eat the fruit none of us would be here cos they lived in a childlike existence knowing no right or wrong,none of the things we have now,in fact it HAD to happen to enable the world to multiply,remember back then incest wasnt even summit known about,obviously the populaton had to grow somehow,then their were different tribes,if you wanna get tchnical we should according to the bible all be related back to adam and also the incest laws didnt get commanded till moses came down from sinai with the mosaic law which seems very weird but it was meant to be a test of obediance to see if the israelites were worthy of the promised land,even moses was denied to enter modern day israel due to abusing his god given powers,he saw israel but ws taken before they reached it.... well so the story goes.

    It is a far fetched sounding story but IF you can accept that god created every living thing and the earth then im sure thngs like parting the red sea and shit like that aint exactly impossible.what does the bible say,if jesus commanded the mountains to flatten they would do so for earth is his creation along with the father depending on what type of religion your talkin about,i dont pretend to know it all,im an apprentice,always learning,i soak up everything like a sponge and if its possible to creste a planet then anything can be done.

    Abraham,father of ALL nations taught the egyptians astrology and astronomy and maths,egypt learned alll they knew from him..his descendants built the pyramids after being taken as slaves so you could say the pyramids are an israeli wonder of the world i spose.Its a topic that i could talk on for months at a time on here but some ppl have closed minds,i have an open one,im willing to accept anothers beliefs if they can prove my beliefs are wrong but no one csn,not religious people nor science.Even science is starting to realise they dont have all the answers,as for darwins theory,thats it just a theory ,do me a favour a guy like modern day stephen hawking maybe but to listen to a collector of insects and animals from back in the day aint gonna tell mme he got all the answers,fellow scienctists have already disproved much of what he wrote,making excuses in the process,but i know where snick comes from,it seems in america if your a christian your all self righteous and shit:eusa_snooty: but thats the oppposite if what jc taught but some ppl cant see the forest for the trees yanno?

    Skunky's conversation is interesting aswelll as herbs theories,etc...im open minded but i lean more towards BELIEVING IN SOMETHING RATHER THAN NOTHING.Maybe we do rot in the ground but at least i wnnt know about it....

    ...but what IF there is a different dimension our souls go to,what if the resurections true,none of us can rule anything out,we should all have open minds TBH,just my own:2c:,enjoying the thread,usually they get closed by this stage:roll:Peace M:ebert:
  12. Psycho D


    Wow. I kinda Cliffed noted this so far but I will come back a review later.

    I would like to throw out this thought while we're spitballing here though.

    Why do rabbits fuck, make hutches and, eat but yet, do not make altars to Rabbit Gods? My dog uses tools to scratch it's back, is that not a sign of intelligence? But yet the Beagle does not praise Doggie Jesus on Sundays? It's simple to me. Those creatures are content. They assume thier function better than Humans, much like comparing isotopes which are stable to unstable ones. Where the unstable ones tend to be harmful (radioactive), I find that the Humans own proclivity to over-analyze things, like their own existance, is more of a flaw than an asset. The elements which we are made of are the guiding force of hunger, which is the only REAL sustaining force. Everything else is just filler material. Laughter, Joy, Hate, are all by-products of chemical reactions. Sounds a little boring. I know. But hey, by the time I use all the energy available for this body to process, it will have been a hell of a kickass ride. :smokin:
  13. Dank Vapor

    Dank Vapor Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Chew on this.

    The definition of a day.

    1 a: the time of light between one night and the next b: daylight 1 c: daytime

    2: the period of rotation of a planet (as earth) or a moon on its axis

    3: the mean solar day of 24 hours beginning at mean midnight

    4: a specified day or date

    5: a specified time or period : age —often used in plural

    6: the conflict or contention of the day

    7: the time established by usage or law for work, school, or business

    — day after day

    : for an indefinite or seemingly endless number of days

    — day in, day out

    : for an indefinite number of successive days

    So we can see that a day has some specific requirements. You need light. You need dark. You need a planet or a moon, i.e. a heavenly body, and time itself has to exist.


    If Day => Light, Dark, Heavenly Body, Time


    On the 1st day, god supposedly made the heavens and the earth. I think that all Christians can agree to that. So we will accept this as true.

    Reality[t] is the state of creation and reality, t is the time in days.


    Reality[1]=Heavens, earth, etc.

    But there is the contradiction. How can creation happen on the 1st day when a day hasn't been defined yet by god? In the beginning there was nothing. But on the 1st day god made the heavens, earth, etc, all the things required to quantify what a day is. This makes the 2nd day as defined by the bible, actually the 1st day.

  14. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Yea animal models are pretty crazy. If you care about that at all read the little bit below, I will talk about what goes into choosing models.

    Pigs are really just good cutting tools and good for meat research. Like the USDA uses them for studying stuff like stress on livestock effecting gut E. Coli proliferations. I worked on that for about a year, not really too interesting. Not too interesting. but yea pigs are good for teaching how to cut open bodies because their organs and vasculature system are pretty much identical in location. One of the projects I'm involved with right now for the diabetic nephropathy uses a new strain of rat that we developed in our lab called a ZSF rat. We(I, though I don't get the credit in the paper) took this other rat known as a ZDF(zucker diabetic fatty, LOL) and crossed it with this spontaneously hypertensive rat, because the ZDF rat alone couldn't progress to DN like humans but the spontaneously hypertensive could. When the cross had offspring 1/2 being lean and the 1/2 being obese. After paying close attention to the two you could tell the obese were obese for a reason they ate more. Upon investigating why we found they have a defective leptin gene(the one that tell you when you are full), so basically these healthy rats eat too much because they can't tell when they are full then develop diabetes then progress to DN and end stage renal disease. Much like many Americans who eat and eat and eat then get obese then become diabetic then develop DN and eventually have to go on dialysis. So we effectively made a good rat model for studying the gene interactions and expression of genes associated with DN. Found 200 genes misregulated and on the road to being able to actually staging the disease with molecular markers(changes in particular genes expression). Rats are used because they are very similar genetically and gives us an idea and where to move for clinical trials. Although like people, plants and everything else some are different. To understand diseases and their progression you need a model that represents the group of interest who is developing this disease.

    Mermaid gotta say I agree. We don't really understand how we develop our personalities, what makes us who we are. Discretion is a mystery however how it is transmitted is pretty decently understood. That stuff is really interesting. Like the long term memory stuff I talked about earlier, the hippocampus and long term potentiation are really interesting subjects.

    TA, I'm open to the possibility that there is something else out there but as far as the Bible goes, I think it is about as true as the childerns book Animal Farm. Too many contradictions and such for me. A few examples:

    GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness.

    GE 1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn't created until the fourth day.

    GE 1:11-12, 26-27 Trees were created before man was created.

    GE 2:4-9 Man was created before trees were created.

    GE 1:20-21, 26-27 Birds were created before man was created.

    GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before birds were created.

    GE 1:24-27 Animals were created before man was created.

    GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before animals were created.

    GE 1:26-27 Man and woman were created at the same time.

    GE 2:7, 21-22 Man was created first, woman sometime later.

    GE 1:28 God encourages reproduction.

    LE 12:1-8 God requires purification rites following childbirth which, in effect, makes childbirth a sin. (Note: The period for purification following the birth of a daughter is twice that for a son.)

    GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.

    GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation.

    GE 2:17 Adam was to die the very day that he ate the forbidden fruit.

    GE 5:5 Adam lived 930 years.

    I don't know....... If the book could make its effin mind up (even through the first book) it might have something. Seems they just said what they wanted and didn't take into account what had been said or established before hand.
  15. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Interesting Skunky!:thumbsup:

    And as much as we all love animals, they are used to save lives as you stated because you do need a living model to experiment on to test and find cures. Until humans are willing to be those "test models" and risk dying then the pigs and rats are about as close as you get. I know when I worked at a teaching hospital doing art work, they used pigs for research on the heart. Apparently their hearts are identical to ours.

    Skunky maybe you know this new topic on diabetes then since you obviously work in that field. Is it true the giant squid may be the cure to diabetes? Heard that well over a year ago but never heard anymore on the subject. Also read that people who have gastric bypass and are diabetic, sometimes the disease does reverse and they were trying to figure out which part of the procedure triggered it to do so. You must love your field of work, I would if I was working in science as it is fascinating.

    Sorry AP, I too think the bible has too many flaws to ever be taken seriously. Maybe there were original papers at one point in time where the facts may have been true? Now it is so distorted and rewritten by men who want you to follow or join their religion. Every religion has their own spin on it so along the way it did become more of a fairy tale.

    My brain can only absorb things based on evidence, facts or at least a fiber of some truth to something ....just how I roll. I do not believe in gods nor devils but I do believe in energy. Also know their has to be life beyond our planet we live on .....we see other planets when looking thru a telescope so I can not be sure or positive there is life but sure hope so. :)

    Also think there may be some higher power but in my mind it is not a man or woman but an energy that we are drawn to possibly? Could be nothing?

    No one has come back to give us a sign of what happens when we die so my guess is we just take another form if something eats us. But then I think well....we eat fish, animals and plants and they do not come back reincarnated to my knowledge so maybe there is NO after life.

    That part that confuses me is when you have a memory of a place you never went to in this life? That is why I question past lives.....who knows?

    Skunky do you think some animals have longer "long term memory" due to not thinking about crap as we do which has to put our brains into overload? Their senses are keener too.....I think maybe we are all lazy and rely on computers and electronics to do all the work for us? Which is why reading and doing puzzles to stimulate your brain is important IMO.
  16. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Not really sure about the squid thing honestly. I can tell you though that the lap band does cure most type two cases. Because that is the adult onset with insulin resistance and not lack of insulin production. They believe that might have something to do with people not knowing when they are full. Like the ZSF rat model we made.

    As for animals having long term memory, I fully believe they do. Training animals is an example. If they didn't have long term memory of some sort they wouldn't be able to recognize commands the next day. Plenty of other examples, that is just the easiest to use.
  17. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Because he's a TWAT!
  18. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Thanks Skunky...the info I had stands corrected.

    And yes Useless....I smoke great stuff! One theory is as good as another. Mine just sounds better. :thumbsup:

    Now to piss all the scientists off...just because I can. :biggrin:

    IMO...science is just another religion. It's based on a faith that scientists believe they will find the answers they seek thru their science....yet much of the universe remains a mystery and may never BE solved by science. An expample is 'love'...love can't be measured and yet it exists. That's something science will never figure out...at least in my opinion. There are other things science can't explain...yet (I'll give it that much). Still...it's full of dogma, and zealots that think THEY hold all the answers just as other religions do. Reason I say that is because science has yet to prove God doesn't exist yet many (here included) are absolutely sure that one does not exist. I ask...what is this based on if not your OWN beliefs? It could very well turn out that all those bible thumpers are RIGHT! :shocked: Who really knows? I don't...do you? Again...just because there isn't proof of something does not mean it does not exist. It simply means that science has not found a means of measuring it.

    I myself feel that the answers lie with merging both spirituality and science while keeping an open mind in all areas because just when you THINK you got it...you don't got it. That's one thing science has proven time after time after time. So has mainstream religion.

    But don't feel that I'm picking on science alone....I feel the same way about ALL religions. :thumbsup: I just had to voice that sometimes Scientists are just as dogmatic as bible thumpers.

    Maybe I should add that to my pet peeve list too. :icon_scratch:
  19. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Who is? Adam, God or AP?

    .....and if so, then obviously you saw his goods to know he has a twat which btw is a clit and vagina! ;) :rofl:
  20. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    a good read whether true or not..

    gOOD READ,I READ IT ALL!!! ....then i thought this is very familiar and on my bookshelf i have a book written by elizabeth clare prophet and its more or less word for word bar a few,the exact same as the link you gave me except it didnt have all the drawings and appendixes in the boook,lol,imagine me stoned reading all that for hours on end only to wake up and realise iv already read the complete 'lost' book of enoch,this is interesting writings whether into religion or not,the city of enoch was so righteous that they were translated and transported to another dimension or planet and will return at the gathering of the 12'lost' tribes of israel,compelling reading for me,cheers for the link,loved reading it,how mad it is to think of 'watchers' who are heavenly beings breaking the code of heaven to fornicate with woman and to teach mankind things they did not yet know like how to make swords,astronomy and all the other things that were a preursor to the 'flood'...zeta id love to pack a bowl with you anytime and get chatting on oth our various beliefs on many topics i notice you share an interest in with me,nice one:thumbsup:

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