Whos religious?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by EvilSkuzzi, May 13, 2009.


Whos religious?

  1. Christian

    0 vote(s)
  2. Muslim

    0 vote(s)
  3. Hindu

    0 vote(s)
  4. Buddist

    0 vote(s)
  5. Satanist

    0 vote(s)
  6. Athiest

    0 vote(s)
  7. Other

    0 vote(s)
  1. weed sprite

    weed sprite Begun Flowering

    :rofl: Oh now that's funny as hell!!!!! I agree, they do need sectionin. Sometimes I look back and I can't believe I used to be into that stuff but now I just listen to it because it gets the old blood flowin. I still like Cradle of Filth best.

  2. budbox

    budbox workin things out


    thats me which pretty much means that i belive in a higher being but no bible or anything. because darins theory of evolution is basically a proven fact. but im not saying that anyone who is religious is wrong everyone is entitled to there own belives
  3. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Actually it's not been proven yet.....otherwise it would be known as Darwin's Fact and not Darwin's Theory. Many scientists are now leaning towards the theory being DIS-proven in light of recent discoveries. In fact...many are now starting to realize that there is more to the Universe than previously thought and thru quantum physics believe there may actually BE a grand design to it all.

    Me thinks you need to get caught up on your reading. :thumbsup:
  4. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    It's called the Grand Unified Theory or G.U.T.

    Problem is, it doesnt work. Everything mathmatically works great as far as Electro Magnetism, but when they add in gravity to the equation, it falls apart because it doesnt equate to our observations. Stephen Hawking has been trying to work out GUT unsuccessfully for over 20 years.

    Quantum Mechanics is something I have read a lot on.

    Quarks, their spin, anti quarks etc etc.

    Did you know Quantum Mechanics states that anything that can possibly happen has happened, is happening, or will happen either in our dimension or the infinite amount of other dimensions?

    There are, in fact dimensions where dinosaurs are still alive and running through your living room right now.

    Remember an atom consists of %99.99(^100) empty space.
  5. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Id disagree,so that goes for the billions of mankind since time began then res?

    Not really res if you think about it,since the dawn of man therers been some kind of god or deity like an animal or sun god but i reckon there was a true religion that was twisted over millenia,i mean for 7 thousdand yearrs and more msn has worshipped and sacrificied to either some pagan god or whatever,so were all the millions of people since time began 'personally disatified with life ' so they cresated a god and FAITH:eusa_think: Put it this way res my friend,do you go weith yer gut on many decisions like me?If so then thats what im doing,summit inside tells me that all my dead family and friends are in a bette place,even the energy of their soul ascends to a different dimension still here on earth...

    I aint saying christianity or islam,etc is correct all im saying is ALL these far east and midle east and western religions cnt all be wrong,there MUST BE ONE IOTA of truth behind one of them...cos why has some form of worship took place since the beginnng:ponder:

    Think of the universe,properly ponder it,we SIMPLY CANNOT COMPREHEND WITH OUR FRAGILE LITTLE MINDS,LOL,WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LIE OUT THERE AND WHAT YPES OF LIFE THERE IS AND WHAT KNOWLEDGE,POWERS EVEN DO THEY HAVE,ITS TOTALLY UNCOMPREHENDABLE!The only life on mars we will find is some form of bacteria basically but the universe is to vast to think of ...and yes i do watch a lot of stargate sg1 and stargate atlantis:bigok:
  6. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Yes I did Use. And thank you for the meat on that subject. Exactly what I was referring to. :thumbsup:

    It gets into multi-verses and such....sorry I'm not exactly the 'scientific' type so the lingo and jargon gets lost on me while the understanding of what it's about sinks in. I tend to gravitate towards the work of Michio Kaku myself.

    The fact we do know is that we don't know....yet. Problem with Darwin's theory is that it's been shot so full of holes it will never be proven. His work has more to do Eugenics than the true origin of man IMO.
  7. TheFomorian

    TheFomorian Neo-Shaman

    Our friend Dr. Quantum on the double-slit experiment.

  8. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    No sound on this comp SZ. Bummer.
  9. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Yea that's what I was getting at, it seem everything is continuous. That amazes me.

    SZ man I remember all that crap from physics 2. Although, the presentation with the laser didn't make it sound as interesting.
  10. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    Darwins theory isnt fullproof, he came up with it 150 years ago, but i believe that the evolution theory has a lot of merit. It may not pertain to humans and our origins, but things do evolve and mutate and that is proven.

    I am pretty well read on evolution, the universe, why/how we exist but am not very good on putting those thoughts into type. The one thing though that boggles my mind and i find hard to comprehend is how gravity affects time and that time is not linear. These create questions in my head. Ok im really stoned at the moment but bare with me and answer me this.

    There is a solar system out there somewhere thats similar to ours except ten times bigger. The sun is 10x bigger and theres a planet much like earth in the "green belt" which is also 10X the size of our earth.

    If humanoids or animals evolve on this planet would they be 10X bigger?

    Would time tick slower in relation to us?
  11. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    surely evolution couldnt create an amazing creation like us and earth,etc

    this universe and our own bodies are miraculous,i mean we are like machines that cant be built,i saw this thing on robots,pretty advanced ones and after years of building they can still only do or say what they are programmed to do o r say,we on the other hand have free will/agency to say,feel and do what we like but just think how amazing our bodies are...

    ....somebody somewhere put a lot of work into that,i dont buy the evolution story that we came from monkeys or apes and shit....theres a creator out there and thats my one belief,i also believe just as muslimms do and jews are finally starting to admit that JC was a real person in history who came to warn us about the future and then sacrificed himself as part of a greater plan,live and let live i say though....im still waiting to see if skuzzis gonna make me a better offer on being a prince of evil,lol.Peace:ebert:
  12. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    AP-Just because religion or different spritual beliefs have been around for eons does not give give them credibility. Any similarities in divegent religions can just as easily be explained by similarities of the questions being asked and the commonality of human nature.

    I do ponder....often...have made a good many sojourns to find my own answers. What lies out there in the cosmos? I don't know. It's probably amazing, but by simply existing it is not proof of anything necessarily attributal to a creator/deity.

  13. TheFomorian

    TheFomorian Neo-Shaman

    The size of the planet wouldn't be in direct porportion to the size of the developing life, though the planetary design would definately set up some ground rules.

    If I understand correctly, time would "pass" more slowly on the more massive planet, though if you wouldn't notice it since you are part of the spacetime fabric. Though if you could teleport to 10x, hang out a year, then teleport back, you would find that time had passed you by on Earth.

    But then we're getting into the question of what time really is. Our current science seems to show that there is a physical/spatial aspect to time, and on that level alone it boggles the mind - How is this physical movement related to the "changes" that occur? Are we 4 dimensional entities living through an expanse of time, or are we 3D entities that exist in a single moment yet travel constantly toward "after"? Is it even a before-after situation, or is there some sort of "orbit" similar to the 3D paradigm movements (planetary orbits, subatomic, etc) as the Mayans seem to believe.

    To help you grasp the concept of a 4th physical dimension, here's our friend Carl Sagan:


    So far, current theories tend to lean towards there being AT LEAST 10 physical dimensions.
  14. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    It would HAVE to be in another dimension with different laws of physics. A planet ten times the size of earth would have gravity at ten times that of earth. Imagine a life form that could physically move in a 10 G-force environment. Not saying it can't be....just higly unlikely with any being that is corporeal in nature.

  15. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Not so Res. Even life on our own planet can survive in places we thought impossible. Look at bottom feeding fish that live in the Marianis (s.) trench. Over 7 miles below the surface, the pressure would crush humans like a grape. But these flat fish live fine there. Bring them up a mile or two and the lack of external pressure causes them to explode.

    Point is evolution of a species is dependent upon environmental influences. So if they developed on a planet with 10x the gravity, they would have to be capable of surviving there. Any species would adapt and evolve in their unique ecosystem and environment.

    TA - the idea of god is a lot like your kids woobie aka security blanket. When early man couldnt figure out something in the universe, say the sun, the moon, stars, or anything else uncomprehensible to them, they created a god to represent it. They run to there go-to exlaination that "it must be the gods" or now with monotheism "it must be god".

    God works in mysterious ways? No it doesnt. We assign things we don't understand to god, and that is what makes it mysterious.
  16. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Agreed Useless, vent worms living on sulphur, huge undersea lakes of hyper salinic water being home to shellfish species. Bacteria and unicell organisms that flourish in active volcano cauldera. Deep water life forms that cannot exist without enormous pressure. All make sense. But at 10g's the mere act of lifting an extremely small mass becomes exceptionally difficult. Unless the life form were tiny enough to largely negate the effect of such a large gravitational force. Never said it was impossible....Just unlikely in a recognizable physical form.

  17. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Not sure if the theory is more dis-proven than proven. I haven't seen anyone who actually knew what they were talking about dis-prove anything in regards to Darwinian evolution. I've seen a lot of people who don't understand the concept try to disprove it and that's about it. Never heard any physicist talk about it, but yes the universe is more complex than first thought. However, evolution is more solid than any theory that has attempted to dis-prove it. You can't deny the homology that has been retained between organisms that are so vastly different, ex. cyano bacteria > hamster > human. Not saying thats the way things evolved but those 3 very different life forms contain chunks of DNA that ARE IDENTICAL. That can't happen without genetic information being transferred.

    Herb if you got some good material dis-proving evolution I would love to see it. All i've seen is crap with people saying is disproved because there aren't any transitional creatures like a dinosaur/duck when that doesn't make any sense at all because there you have two completely different life forms that only have a connection as having a common ancestor thousands of years ago that split and began forming the new species and groups at that point so everything from that divergence is a transitional form. Much like apes with Neanderthals and humans. You won't find an Neanderthal/human because they diverged at different points. Some apes diverged and eventually became the species we know as human while at a different point in time a different event lead to the divergence of neanderthals and other humanoids. Those people don't seem to realize a transitional form is any life form that exists. Each of use, each plant we grow, every kid we have is a transitional form. Then you got people who think that evolution says that life comes from rocks or some shit. No we aren't saying life has a litho origin, not at all. Life is the result of an organic molecules acting in a chemical fashion to react with one another and combine to be capable of retaining instructions in code and in the correct environment to allow the reactions to occur in the first place. Proteins, DNA, and RNA have all been found in samples from space although all are fragmented. So one idea is that meteors and such brought fragmented pieces of building blocks for life from far reaching regions of space and lodged them into out planet. With the conditions here and the interactions between the raw materials lead to joining and rearrangement of this material. Some of which was able to do work and be active while other stuff could have just floated around and later incorporated, broken down or used as energy to sustain the others actions by reduction. IDK if you can't tell I really believe in evolution and haven't seen anything that made me think otherwise.

    I'm trying to argue or anything so don't take it that way, just all the people I've seen attempting to diprove evolution have been whack job Christians.

    Like the guy who wrote this paper saying they can disprove evolution mathematically but never does....


    Only thing he eve touches on is population doubling which is highly flawed. In the paper he states that at the current world population there could only be about 30 doublings from the original two people. So looking at is logistically and looking at population dynamics nothing continues to grow logistically, that's just retarded. Every place has a limit to the amount of life it can support. You as a grower can see that because compare a soil patch with adequate nutrients compared to one with lower amounts and then one with poor nutrient availability. Which will win and support more life? Now obviously the planet doesn't have evenly dispersed nutrients and supplies so regions will vary in their ability to support life for a given amount of time or for a given number. This was even more of a problem for early civilizations. Back to their methods again though, that would also have to account for ever single person becoming two which males can't give birth so that cuts that number in half, then ever women would have had to reproduced(not just capable but actually reproduced, which you girls know not every woman is guaranteed to have children just like every male not guaranteed to be fertile). But not only would those requirements have to met but every offspring would then have to survive and reproduce itself which no way in hell is that going to happen. Yet again as a grower you can see this, you plant a bunch of seedlings and some live and some die. No matter what you do some are just weak and don't survive. I'm sure if you took their methods to investigate how long rabbits or some other aniumal has been around it has been even shorter than that of humans. Funny when the people trying use this mathematical method for disproving evolution and the possibility of god as the source of life would be disproving themselves is they applied their same method to any other life form. Why? Because in the bible is states that all the animals were already here. How could the animals that have been here longer have a lower doubling time if the theory is true and to usable for a timeline for human existence? Guess those people don't know about decay and half-lives and carbon dating......

    One last thing. Dumbest quote ever!!!!(from that paper above)

    "No people of English descent are more distantly related than thirtieth cousin, while most people are more nearly related than that."

    WTF? 13th cousin are you serious? What does that prove? There is so much diversity mixed in by that point, unless you live in a bottleneck, of course that's going to be the case. I find it way more impressive and interesting that 99.999% of my DNA is shared by each of you and that only about 1% of that is coding. The main places we differ is in methylation patterns, mutations, and other inhertiable thing that still end up with us being 99.999% similar. The only way to truly identify people is by looking at untranslated regions of DNA that aren't high conserved by the protection of repair mechanisms, because most of the repair mechanisms are coupled to the transcription and translation process. These untranslated regions contain what we call short tandem repeats(STR) which are short repetitive sequences of nucleic acids in the genome like repeats of the sequence "AGGCTGTCG"(I made that sequence up), you can look at the numbers of those sequences and other repeat sequences. That's how you do paternity, human identification, and transplant monitoring.
    PutTheKnivesOn likes this.
  18. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Time is relevent to the speed that the observer is travelling. So everyones time is different. So another planet will be travelling at a different speed to us so they will preceive it differently. But if you were on this planet your time would be the same as the planets.

    Its like the flight of the navigator lol.
  19. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    I am going to help out the more religious among us on their argument here.

    Even though Evolution-Theory is 1. Obviously observable 2. Works within our biological knowledge without creating more problems than it solves 3. Is reinforced by further discoveries of fossils, it also has one problem that it can not solve, nor can any current science we have today.

    That problem is referred to as the "Mind-Body" problem. We can figure out how we came to be the being we are, but not how we have the thoughts we have, the imaginative tendencies we have, our personal reflection, our abstract thinking ability, and so on. Basically the combination of all our cognitive and emotional abilities creates a problem for science in general.

    Of course, psychologist, biologist, theologists, and Philosophers all have different opinions, not only between each department, but within the schools themselves.
  20. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Your personality comes from electrical impulses in your brain, nothing more. Nuerons.

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