Whos religious?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by EvilSkuzzi, May 13, 2009.


Whos religious?

  1. Christian

    0 vote(s)
  2. Muslim

    0 vote(s)
  3. Hindu

    0 vote(s)
  4. Buddist

    0 vote(s)
  5. Satanist

    0 vote(s)
  6. Athiest

    0 vote(s)
  7. Other

    0 vote(s)
  1. sayuhmwhat4787

    sayuhmwhat4787 Veggy Stage

    I like the way RR said it the best. that's exactly how my friend said it, like, exactly (for me to understand)

    me and my buddy used to do a lot of shit, rip people off.... etc etc... we had a falling out (he's always been a 'christian' his dad is a DJ for church music)

    well recently, he drove by my house and I was outside working, and he stopped by and handed me a blunt, and we talked.... he has really changed, a lot. and he thanks god for his change. he told me he knows now, he never really Believed before, now it's much clearer. I even was talking about it with my cousin, and he called BS, which I would have done too, until we all chilled, and he saw it too.

    my buddy just got married to a very nice, wholsome, girl, and brought her to god also. before this would have never been the case.

    I've always been diest, and I have made believers question their faith, many times, and even become athiest, agnostic, etc.. I thought I was leading everyone the right way.

    recently I went to a church revival; to see a girlfriend, that was the sole reason.

    I was saved. And it's hard to explain, if you knew me, you'd think I was full of shit, tryin to play a joke on you or something. But when I was in this church, I was pulled to god, I still have many questions, and I don't think of the bible as much more than a story-book with life lessons.

    since then things have been diff... I haven't even had the erge for a cigarette, which I've been tryin to quit. I was an alcoholic and now I can just drink a beer and be ok.

    GOD put herb on the earth, for us. and I won't stop gettin stoned.

    but yea, like RR said, God is gonna give everyone the chance, so believe what you want right now, if it's physical proof you need, one day, you will have it, and you will have the choice to believe, or not to believe. those who already believe, just sit back and watch.
    TheApprentice likes this.
  2. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    It is axiomatic that atheism has NO requirement of a god because it is a nonexistant being. From an atheist's point of view there is no difference between a unicorn and a god.

    Dicordianism is simply a philosophy school argument gone awry. Take a look at Deepak Chopra's books;

    2003 The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence

    2003 Synchrodestiny: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles

    They explore the sychronicity and interaction of all matter and energy on a quantum scale. You may gain an interesting perspective on "chaos".

  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Um...I think you may have missed my point. I view any structured religion as a massive grift with the bulk of original intent more political than spiritual. Historically it has almost always held true that whoever controls the church/synagogue,temple,sacred mountain et al controls the people. Leaders/nations have gone to great lengths to use and pervert religious fervor in attempt to sway populations. Or do you really believe that a bunch of guys, beholden to Rome, at the Council of Nicea had a grand awakening in constructing the current bible rather than direction from Constantine (emporer at the time) ordering what was to be included?

    Ever wonder why the christian gnostic texts were largely destroyed at the same time? Ever wonder why every woman other than the Virgin Mary was relegated to be a secondary player? Speaking of Mary...ever wonder how a direct decendant of the House of David (the most powerful Jewish family of the era) was traveling unaccounted for at the time of Christ's birth? That would be like a 9 month pregnant English royal hitchiking across the continent and noboody knowing about it.

    Every minor scratch brings unrealistic expectations....that's why it's called "faith", which is nothing more than "hope" in my book.

  4. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    damn it there goes my door,time for a quick post!

    They both come together amigo.... the one thing that mankind finds hard to grasp about religion is putting belief and faith into something that to them is unseen or not tangible,if you can get past that your half way there to at least acknowledging that we dont just rot in the ground,life goes on of that im 100% sure cos my gut tells me so,i aint sayin i know all or any answers cos i aint getting nailed to the cross here,i aint been a good church goer since i waS 11 so dont wanna ram hypocritical beliefs down peoples throats....

    but just cos science(which has been proven right and wrong msany times) and shit says it aint so dont mean we should believe them...study ALL religions for they all have a small truth in them,especilly eastern ones,etc.Im totally not down with catholicism though! Basically allah,jehovah or god,the bible ,koran or torah are all recordings from years gone by all from the same original true religion that over time has been diminished,all i know is different gods are basically different sages and shit,i could go on and get deeper but my doors just went and dogs barking and baby sleeping,back later to discuss more:icon_biggrin:peace:potleaf:
  5. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Im sorry but that is not recorded history. There is no record of Jesus's death. None. Or birth. The bible was written over 400 years after he died.

    I personally do think he existed and i do think he was a preacher. However, he did not walk on water, feed the 5000 or cure cripples. But they are all nice stories with a good message.

    But unfortunetaly it is not FACT.

    Its like them Dan Browne books. The Da Vinci Code. My lass has read the lot. At the front it states




    FACT. :bs: They are not facts, but the fact that they are in a printed book makes the majority of sobber level headed individuals pick the book up and say "look its a FACT, it say so here." Unfortunately my lass is one of them. Shes a very clever person. University educted professional women. But she still sucked in by this shit.

    Its not a fact it a belief! Big difference!
  6. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    I’m a Satanist. Yes that’s right, him down stairs lol.

    I tell ppl this and they look at you in two ways.

    1) Like most ppl reading this now will think. "Yeah right, your Evilskuzzi of course you’re a Satanist, your pure evil. Then brush it off as a joke. I can see why ppl do that. It’s the way I act, but no shit I'm serious on this one.


    2) They look at you funny then fumble in their bag for holy water or their flick cross. These tend to by bible bashers. (No offence to any evangelical Christians)

    No high power has any control over me, none. Neither did any higher power play any part in mine or anything else’s creation. All deities are fake. I am the only true power in my life, me and nothing else. I have complete power over me. If I wanted to I could end it all, now! I control what I think, nothing can change that.

    Satanists believe in self, self indulgence, self improvement and revenge. Everything should be done for the self. And before anyone says it. No I’m not a selfish lonely person without any friends. I’m very happy, with a loving family and a very close circle of friends (non of whom are Satanists).

    No I don’t think there is a bipedal goat waiting for me when I die and I don’t think he’s going to reward my for my evil actions. I don’t actual believe there is any evil. I just like the perception created by society.
  7. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Very good points made by RR and even you skuzz (well not ur satan post)..hahaha Your right, there is NO proof or any facts to prove this to be something real but like RR stated, called faith and ppl love to believe in something.

    Ever wonder why humans feel compelled to believe in a higher power instead of believing in themselves? It is proven that our mind/brain is so powerful and we use to little of it. Maybe we should all tap into that to help ourselves and others. :)

    I used to believe as a little girl and yep had to go to church every Sunday. I think once you start reading and understanding as you grow older, it all seems rather silly. First thing I questioned was Mary and the immaculate conception?? Then yes the whole story of her walking prego all those miles and months?? Jesus walking on water?? Noah and his ark? Sorry to all those who do believe but by age 12 I knew this was all right up there with fairy tales and the stories I read in my children's books. I question everything and always have so my mum even knew I would be the one kicked out of church for questioning things... ;) Especially when your told after asking questions about these very things...."child you should never question the power and love of your lord" ??? Ummm that is NOT an answer but brainwashing IMO.

    Anywhos I did take my children to church and let them make up their own mind for I did not want to put my beliefs on them. Plus my mum and her side of the family would have branded me the devil had I not had them baptized or took them to church. Needless to say they stopped going when they hit 11 and not because I put down religion to them. LOL they both wanted to know why the church wanted us to make a promise to donate an exact amount each year and they also wondered why the old ladies always talked about other women in church. Guess they saw the negativity and also the greed being spewed ;) Not saying everyone is like that either, there are very kind ppl who go and really believe or want to help other's and then there are the ppl who go for appearances ONLY or to feel better about all the shit they did all week which was mean to others.

    Sorry....I will stop. :)

    I do respect those who believe in what ever they choose to believe in. ;)

    As long as no one pushes it on me.....we are all good.
  8. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Start watching it at about 1:20 then jump to 4:00 just to skip the boring crap.

    I figured this might be a good thread for this.

    pretty interesting.:icon_scratch:
  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Hate to burst yer bubble Skuzz...but I think you're a closet Randian Objectivist. A regular ole Howard Roark type fella. Nuthin evil about you.

    But if you want to be a satanist?? Go for it.

  10. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    I hear ya. They have ruined alot of lives. I was never molested my self.
  11. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    i believe in something...

    Iv 'donated' weed in the past and toked with white witches,one has a pentagram tattoed on her ear and goes to a witches covent or wtf its called,she gave me a book to read on developing psycic powers cos she charges 20 quiid a pop for palm readings but wehen i got to the bit of the b0ook about witches spells i gave up,paganism is alive and well in druidic north scotland where the druids ruled many moons ago,iv met pppl from every religion,i just 'feel' inside that there MUST be a creator,a higher level of consciousness or a higher level of power cos when a person dies theres a burst of energy which i assume is their soul leavg9ing the body as described greatly by betty eadie in embraced by the light,good readz,anyways to believers and none alike,where does that energy or soul go to:ponder:Surely it dont just disolve into the atmosphere or some scientist explanation:ponder:

    I Understand snicks stance as iv read his beliefs msany times and respect it,i respect all beliefs,im just saying if we believe in what was written 7 millenia ago in iraq and egypt and also south america,like the msayans ,if we readily believe what little writings the catholics didnt destroy or were lost then why do we find it so hard to give a little credence to wise pearls of wisdom contained in religious texts like the bible,koran,torah,etc:ponder:

    It seems to me if we all tried to live a decent and fair life karma will reward us according to all tjhese books,im sticking with the good guys which is anyone who at least believes in a creator or higher power or place we reside when we die where our soul goes but i fully respect every other persons belief,i got a strong belief on this one cos god knows iv been blessed to cope with being a single dsad and housing troubles and more recently,the bible is a record of the events of the tribe of isreal,their could be more records out therer from other continenets not yet discovered that reveal more,the dead sea scrolls being found forinstnce.Just my :2c:peace:ebert: [​IMG]

  12. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    I dont have an evil bone in my body. Never claimed too and never will.

    Satanism has nothing to do with "evil"!
  13. TheFomorian

    TheFomorian Neo-Shaman

    Then you're NOT a SATANIST!

    Ahem... Sorry.

    The #1 thing that annoys me about the Church of Satan is that they (you) don't believe in a real Satan. There are plenty of genuine Satan worshippers out there and you guys think you can just co-opt the name and (from what I've seen) tell THEM they're not Satanists but "Luciferian".

    Why didn't you guys just stick with "Selfish Assholes"? :rofl:
  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    skuzzis really a demon in disguise!!!!

    Skuzzi im with jay-c right now and Hellboy,your cornered down "the hole",are you gonna come quietly for your blasphemy,besides satan told his brother to bring you hokme cos your grounded and the firey pits of hell dont burn as good unless your tokin away down there,here EVERYONE should be aware skuzzi IS an actual DEMON,chexck this out#

    http://www.growkind.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34944 :eusa_pray: 'deliver us from evilskuzzi'
  15. sayuhmwhat4787

    sayuhmwhat4787 Veggy Stage

    my cousin is satanist, or he thinks... whatever.. .but in the satanist bible, they don't believe satan is a being, it's an embodiment of beliefs, given the name satan.
  16. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Jesus Built My Hotrod.

    Give this one a listen. Hopefully you can understand the lyrics, if not they are in the "more info" box to the right. they arent exactly the right lyrics but close enough.

  17. weed sprite

    weed sprite Begun Flowering

    I take my lessons from the Cosanostra--Serve the Lord and some spaghetti tosser's liver on a plate. :rofl: If it works for them, why not.


    Edit: It also helps to have an Italian OL:laughing1:
  18. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Mock all you want.

    Firstly im not affiliated with the Church of Satan (Either of them). Secondly, why is religion reserved for ppl who believe in pixies? That’s very selfish of you!!!

    Now, these real Satanists you speak of. Lets call them Theists Satanists. Or Warlocks lol. You will not find many of them, very little in fact! The only Theist Satanist you'll find are in the US news presented by jumped up evangelical Christians who are out scaremongering and maintaining their FLOCK! How many grown adults actually believe that magic and ritual work and will invoke the evil ones power to get them somewhere in the physical world. Come on wake up!

    Now the name Satanist. Why is it used? Well, the religion has originated in Christian countries where ppl are force feed the bible. Everyone knows the story of Adam and eve. It’s general knowledge. A POPULAR STORY. Now we (Satanists) know the story well, but we take from it a different meaning. The snake (devil) tempted the humans to eat from the tree of knowledge. To right we did! Christians took from that that women or weak creatures and should be second class citizens and man should bow down and grovel before god every day to try and make up for Eves sins. Satanist say fuck you, I have a right to knowledge and self improvement!!!!!

    Satan isn’t real, but he does stand for our principles. There is no magic but there is a common belief. Now you can be as pissy as you like about the title I give to myself and other who hold my beliefs, but a collective that hold the same beliefs is a religion in my book.

    And as far there being different types of Satanist yes there is, just like there are different types of Muslims and Catholics. Go and tell them lot to sort their shit out and agree on everything. You'll start some nice wars! Oh wait their already killing each other!

    I don’t believe in a deity, but you'll find most Catholics don’t either, so go get pissy with them!

    The most Evilest Evil person ever, The Skuzz.
  19. weed sprite

    weed sprite Begun Flowering

    Hey Skuzz, If ya want to meet to a priest of the Church of Satan just get a hold of the lead singer of Insatanity, he is one. Also the drummer for Divination is one. Their into the Anton LaVey thing, which I don't get but that's them.

    Nowhere is Satanism more prevalent than Norway. Hell they admit to burnin down churches and are proud of it. I saw a show(can't remember what it's called) where they interviewed these guys. The one dude sat there drinkin wine (like some connoisseur) and laughed about it.

    Personally it ain't my bag, to each his own.

  20. TheFomorian

    TheFomorian Neo-Shaman

    I think there are quite a few of them out there. Several are meeting in Greece right now to decide your future. They don't advertise.

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