Whos religious?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by EvilSkuzzi, May 13, 2009.


Whos religious?

  1. Christian

    0 vote(s)
  2. Muslim

    0 vote(s)
  3. Hindu

    0 vote(s)
  4. Buddist

    0 vote(s)
  5. Satanist

    0 vote(s)
  6. Athiest

    0 vote(s)
  7. Other

    0 vote(s)
  1. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Im sure its been asked before but i was wondering.
    Shadowman likes this.
  2. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    Please repeat the question in english :wtf?:

    Ah :idea: with the poll added it makes sense now

    my apologies :notworthy:
  3. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    ok ok, im a little dyslexic. I think its fixed!
  4. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Other, agnostic.
    PutTheKnivesOn likes this.
  5. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    I was raised catholic and molested baptist so i am not sure.
  6. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Im human.

    Naturally... ill find out where im going when i die. If the afterlife is a dream, ill try to think happy thoughts as i die so as to not be sent into a nightmare. :icon_confused:
  7. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    I used to think i was agnostic, but thats just being non-commital. So now im back to being an athiest. In fact im a fundamentalist athiest. Is that an oxymoron? :fly:
  8. TheCarpenter

    TheCarpenter member

    Where's the option for Rastafari?
  9. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    Just another religion but with a very weak base. They thought this guy was the reincarnation of JC.


    So in my opinion, more whack jobs.

    edit: woops misread option with opinion ;) in fact misread the whole sentence lol
  10. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    God is an imaginary friend for grown ups. :shocked:
    PutTheKnivesOn likes this.
  11. DaBurner420

    DaBurner420 This Line For Rent.

    I voted atheist but i'm really agnostic, i do believe in faith/positivity/negativity, not in a spiritual sense but more psychological.
    PutTheKnivesOn likes this.
  12. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Jesus is over here at my place right now watching the Pens and Caps play game 7. He brought over a 6pack.

    I mentioned this thread to him and told me to come on so i could say hi for him.

    edit: hahah crazy bastard just turned my beer into wine as i took a sip! Jesus you crazy guy! :fly:
    PutTheKnivesOn likes this.
  13. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    Used to be baptist, but now I'm atheist.
  14. TheFomorian

    TheFomorian Neo-Shaman

    I guess the simple version would be that I'm Gnostic (not to be confused with agnostic).

    The first Matrix was heavily based on Gnosticism (or rather, the Gnostic myth), so just run with that.
  15. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    I used to think I was agnostic but now I know the truth....

    Somehow I was put here on earth to study the human race....now I am just waiting for the mother ship to come take me back to my planet in a far away galaxy!! :) :fly:
    PutTheKnivesOn likes this.
  16. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    aint you got that the wrong way round?usually old catholic priests in scptlands that be doin the 'molestin':angry7:
  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    I was raised christian,...useless a man of your intellect surely must be ablwe to conceieve that there is stuff in our world we fail to comprehend and that an architect or creator with plan is quite possible:ponder: So guess y'all know i voted christian right?Being raised a christian i enjoyed,it dont have to be all holier thn thou,its about trying to achieve a plan set out my god.I strayed away many years ago from 'church' but im still a believeer,jesus did do miracles that go unexplaned,if someone explained them to me id hear them out but i refuse to believe we live and simply die,our souls ascend to a higher plane of existence which touches on eastern religions which im into too.Peace:potleaf:

    [​IMG]"free the weed" "this is my gold cross bong:wink:"

    TheCarpenter likes this.
  18. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    That was a joke.
  19. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    thats why i 'get ' all of your shamen posts dude! i believe our energy that is soul aascends or lives in forms we dont comprehend,we think we all knowing but over tinme we have lost and forgotten way more knowledge than we have TBH
  20. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    I'm an Atheist.

    I can't believe in any of mankind's definitions of a god.

    Religion is so short sighted and filed with superstitious nonsense.

    The bible, koran, torah, and all other "scriptures" for other current and long dead religions were based on the writings, interpretations and experiences of superstitious people that were for the most part, uneducated in science, physics, astronomy, mathematics, etc... And, even those writings have been corrupted by different people's "interpretations" and "embellishments" over the millenia.

    Chinese whispers... Nothing more.

    Whatever the original message was, it has been lost in the shuffle. Changed by those who were in power to suit their own agendas. Or elevating themselves into "living gods" with the power to kill or enslave whomever they choose, while keeping the masses in line by using fear & intimidation tactics.

    Just a power trip. Politics as usual. Some things never change.

    And then, of course... Everyone's religion has to be the "right one" or the "one true" religion. Everyone else is wrong! They must be "converted" or purged from existence.

    Think about it... How many people have been persecuted, prosecuted, tortured, enslaved or outright killed in the name of some god that teaches peace and tolerance?

    How many are being killed today because of it?

    All religion seems to do is make people intolerant of other people's beliefs and create conflict.

    For me, organized religion is just another means used by those in positions of power to gain control over large groups of weak minded people.

    Perhaps there is nothing after death... Or, perhaps the universe itself could be one vast consciousness, and we are only a minuscule portion of that greater collective mind.

    The universe itself has the true power to create and destroy everything.

    IF (and I emphasize IF) we do have some kind of energy or consciousness that transcends our corporeal existence, it has nothing to do with any religious belief that mankind has invented.

    None of the "established" religions have ever taken into account the fact that there are countless trillions of other galaxies in the known universe. And the fact that each galaxy has countless trillions of stars with other planets that could support life.

    Folks used to believe that the Earth was flat, until they were proven wrong.

    Folks also used to believe that the sun revolved around the Earth, and that the Earth was the center of creation. They too were proven wrong.

    It is time to rethink the concept of religion.
    TheApprentice likes this.

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