Mike Ivins NFL reinstatement ??

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dazechain, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion


    yep insurance companys thats the whole thing they make it so the people dont have to be responsible for thier action including proper dog training ... its been my 40 years experience that ananimal has instincts and a guardian breed wants to protect & attack a retriver wants to hunt & fetch and after a hundred and fifty years of breeding apit bull terrier wants to fight other dogs now why would you want a dog that would bite you when you want to pull it off another dog you want one that will stay on the other mine are a recognised and registerd with the ADBA WICH ALSO recognizes seffordshire terriers, american staffodshire terriers, american pit bull terriers ass diferent breeds unlike most un edjucated people mine just make people think i have a mean dog it keeps them from my plants itake respnsibility for mine & they are purebred not amix of some mastiff i.e. american bulldog or some other breed that you dont know what tendancies are gonna come out the pit will grab the narc dog not the cop the shepard will bite the cop and anything else that gets near it when its in a dog fight most traditinal dogfighters would kill a man biter so as not to pass that trait on but street hood thug gangbangers dont care about that its all about money not their dog if it is losing they will let them get killed i mean just wach it get fucked up a old country or old school breeder would save it so ass to breed that trait my grandparent always had germanshepards & every one bit a kid including me i have never been bitten by a pit.....

    its whenyou get people that want a TOUGH DOG get one and dont know how to train them my female i got from a buddy whos wife said it my husbnds dog and he needs to train it would put her in a kenel til he got home to punish the dog for jumoing on the kids(who were running through the house) how can she train a dog when she cant tran her kids i had the dog who was raised by thie wild children diald in in 2 weeks now she dont need a leash and will catch and bring back any animal i send her after and will stop in her track when i say I SPEAK FROM 40 YEARS OF BEING AROUND ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS .......



    P.S. every kid in town and dog control loves my house dog and the other is in a kennel with a towchain that i inspect and replace the swivel often and dog control aproves and come to me for socializing some of them for adoption:bong2: :passit: :fly: use reserch not propaganda to base your opinion on no insult in tended i am a animal trainer
  2. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion


    he's corect on that one.. like i said do your reserch.. knowlage is power:bong2: :passit: :fly:
  3. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion


    lets get back to:GK: and discuss some dank :passit:
  4. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    heartless sob...smack on target...yep.

    Yep...I said it...he also murdered animals...nice guy...fuckin' piss poor example of discipline...
  5. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion

    yeah what he said

    thanx i was wodering if anyon out there had apractical & logical POV:bong2: :passit: :fly:
  6. pookie

    pookie Veggy Stage

    here is my research

    canadian study 1982-2006. to sum it up, of total 2209 attacks by all breeds, 1110 by pit bull terriers. 495/on children 395/adults 104/deaths 608/maimings www.dogbitelaw.com, reference Clifton. nuf said.:stop:
  7. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Not everybody.

    Just because you did your time...doesn't mean it's back to life as normal.
  8. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Shit, why not just let BERNIE MADOFF and the ENRON guys back in and let them have their jobs back........all they did was steal, not KILL!!!! Ahhhhhhh hell, just give them their lives back as well, thats fair right?????:icon_confused: :icon_confused: :icon_confused: :icon_confused:

    People who support VICK and his "right to a 2nd shot" are fuckin insane and are hollywood/entertainment PIGS.............He has a right to a fair shot in life, not to regain power,millions of dollars,recognition,praise etc......all for what??? Cuz the dude can run faster and juke quicker than the next man? LAME!:siskel: :siskel: :siskel: :siskel: :siskel: :siskel: :siskel: :siskel: :siskel:
  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Where are you coming from Chris? Sounds like more social manipulation to me. If a guy goes to jail on a nonviolent (against humans for you animal activists out there) offense he should be free to pick up whatever shreds of his former life still remain. If somebody is foolish enough to pay the guy a ton of dough....so be it. It's a double edged sword. I don't want LEO or the public chasing me around telling me how to live if I ever serve a sentence for getting popped growing. Consistency in argument is everything.

    Whether the guy got a bum rap or didn't is irrelevent to me. IMHO he's a turd. Aside from that I choose NOT to think about him at all.
  10. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    RR...social manipulation??...lol...

    The killer instinct in us all is only brought to the surface when the discipline inherent to one's belief system and moral nurturing have gone astray. I thought athletic sports figures understood "discipline" within their own lifes. I mean how else would a young person reach those lofty goals of playing in the National Felon League. My point:

    This example of elitist thuggerery is a prime one for those shouting out for equality in all aspects of our society. Billy Jo said it best when he said "The class war is hanging on a wire..."...

    For the record...violence is violence is violence...I think if in the neck of the woods where you reside y'all look at the "killing of one of 'God's' creatures as "non-violent" ...then you all simply put need your heads examined...what planet are you from...when you say that "killing dogs" is non-violent...that my seriously deluded GKer is one serious stretch of the imagination...

    How 'bout you go buy a pet for your kid, if you managed one of them in your seriously demented life...and then let's say...just kill it...for "fun's sake"...just your son/daughter's pet...that's all. Right??

    Grab a clue...

    We as Americans have been sold down the river by the powers that be...in the process of this theft...some have decided that Sunday afternoon football is more important than doing the right thing...and that is calling the "kettle black"...

    Dare ya'...any of you pro-vickers to try his crime on for size...see if you obtain the same treatment...than get back with us here at GK...would love to hear how the Eagles just sign'd you...lmao...

    Silly humans...equality is for breakfast...:bongin:

  11. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Demented...ok. Then demented I be. I assure you that you'd get a different reaction from me if you kick one of my daughters than if you kicked my dog.

    The rest of of your argument goes to anthropomorphism which I'm afraid is at the root of the issue. I will never be able to convince you that animals are not the equal of humans. Nor will you convince me that killing a dog even closely equates with the murder of a child or rape of a woman.

    My belief that an non-violent offender who has served his time (whether I consider it to be appropriate sentencing or not) should be free to resume life with their debt paid is consistant. It's not for me to say what private industry chooses to pay and individual whether they have a record or not.

    Do I find it distasteful that a thug can remain in the limelight? ABSOLUTELY! But IMHO Micheal Vick is a blip on the radar as far as NFL finances go. I'd rather have private ownership of stadiums and lower salaries for players. It's the everyday pick-pocketing of the public to fund the venues that pisses the hell out of me. Hire who you want...just don't make me subsidize the owners irrational spending.
  12. MK-Ultra

    MK-Ultra Excommunicated

    How do you murder an animal??

    Who did Michael Vick hurt???? Seriously let me know.
  13. pookie

    pookie Veggy Stage

    its the cruelty cruelty cruelty

    im kind of amazed that some of our posters really dont get it. there is no basis to exercise cruelty toward any animal except for enjoyment, excitement, money, etc. anthropomorphism? ha! if a human is sickened when an animal cries out in pain because of injury deliberately inflicted by man, that is not humanizing an animal; it simply means that the human is balanced mentally and emotionally. fundamentally, a dog cannot ever prevail over an attack by a man.i have not read that any poster assumes that a dog is more important than a human, so that argument is weak and dare i say, dumb.
  14. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion

    importance of animals

    my pitt bulls is more important than you are and sound like she is smarter to if you were edjucated in the instincts and training tecniques involving animals you'd realize that you dont foce them to fight thats what there instincts that thier breeders bred into them tell them to do ... you got to know what comes naturaly to them if you ever expect to train them:rofl:

    :bong2: :passit: :fly:
  15. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Ok people. I been playin nice an not resorting to personal judgment as to the intelligence, or my judgment thereof, of the posters in this thread. If you want to take the gloves off so be it. If you care to disseminate my argument, go for it. But "dumb"?? WTF is THAT?:icon_confused: Hardly the statement of an intelligent caring individual. :icon_scratch:

    Did I say I wasn't sickened by unnecessary cruelty whether to an animal OR a human? To become so vehement at the mere suggestion that cruelty to animals is not legally or morally equal to violence against humans surprises me.

    Let me put it this way. In a life or death situation you have the ability to save one life. Your dog, your child or yourself. Only one. If the choice is anything other than your child......I need to seriously reconsider this discussion. Such an individual would be so irrational that any consistent thought would be impossible.

  16. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    ...Are we not Devo??...


    I thought us humans for lack of a better understanding of our still-evolving species, were animals, just higher up on the food chain of course. I mean there was a day, that we could have been lunch for Mr.T-Rex.

    I suppose you are right, we will never see eye to eye on this as long as you don't equate the life of an animal with the life of a human...sad but true, how the debate would be squelched...

    The loss of respect for the sanctity of life whether it be animal or human is stifling at the least anymore. Good thing my coping mechanisms are intact and ready to sustain any other episode of American idiocy.

    If this only appears as a blip of distasteful on your radar screen, I'm quite sure the verdict is in...the strategy bestowed upon you by the powers-that-be has been rather successful. Can anyone say "desensitized"...lol...

  17. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    ...politically correct edit...

    Ok, kill an animal...

    Wordplay,...Is that the best you can muster for intelligent interaction with another human??...:icon_scratch:

    Try to hit the mole when it comes thru the hole...something more yer' speed...grab a loop...tag along...:bongin:

  18. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    ...damn dude....

    You must be smokin' the chillin' kind...cuz' I barely can glean a point from your disconnected rambling about the pitt bull scene...come again!! I think you have a point in there somewhere...let it out...and pass to the left.

  19. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    ...final word, here...from me anyways...

    In a life or death situation you have the ability to save one life. Your dog, your child or yourself. Only one. If the choice is anything other than your child......I need to seriously reconsider this discussion. Such an individual would be so irrational that any consistent thought would be impossible.

    Life or death, choice, all themes here...good...gettin' somewhere now, slow going, but we are getting somewhere.

    Listen, the soapbox stance I took here is valid, perhaps I do bring bias, however, at the end of the day, I call it inequality...plain unadulterated inequality. We know it's true, yet we turn away cuz' the bright lights and the sexy cheerleaders keep us coming back for more...of what...a league, like you said in your own words, who is happy to pickpocket the American National Felon League fan...I call that theft. I don't have time for a den of thieves...next please.:bong2:

  20. OneHitterInOz

    OneHitterInOz A Fat Sticky Bud

    Ya know, for all I care Mike Vick can rot in hell (I realy didn't say that, I don't want bad karma), I realy don't even like to talk or type about him, he's a waste of my breath and fingerstrokes, just a friggin moron.

    Yes, there are alot of thugs in the NFL but one stands out at me and I kinda feel a lil bad for him

    Handgun $500

    Night at the club $225

    Going to prison for shooting YOURSELF


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