9-11 Conspiracy Video

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CanadianDAN, Dec 31, 2005.

  1. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I didn't know about the 2 trill and goldNsilver.

    perhaps there is no single reason just as many as they could pack in.. I mean it is treason if any Americans were involved.
  2. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Besides this crackpot theory of stealing 3 trillion dollars, what extra political gain was there to be had that wasn't already gained by the WTC? I just cannot side in with this theory. Before you start ranting I did not watch the video, no need to. It would have required to many people to pull something like that off, somebody would have slipped by now. It is just not logisticly possible IMO, to many people.
  3. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    The one I made, even if slightly, was permission to occupy a sovereign nation.

    Another I figure plays into this is to transfer vast sums of monies from public funds to private. Much of it to people who are not citizens of the USA.

    But my last point may work well as well... there is no one point. It may be an efficient use of a drastic correction in global trade power as well.

    It allways point to the Bank.. Why the WTO ? why not the statue of liberty?
  4. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    I read some other page (i linked it back there) Anyways its WAAAAAAAAAY out there in ideas, but the idea of there being a GLOBAL ALUMNI of top notch people. Doesnt matter race color or creed. These bigwigs got all the pull. Whos to say they set this up like the kennedy assassination and pretty much blackmailed the Bush administration into allowing this to slip by.

    Years and years of planning. Setting people up in right places. Gathering scapegoats in areas that will insure the look of them being involved.

    World trade center 7 collasped? from 3 small fires??

    Funny how all those WALL STREET INVESTIGATIONS were stored in there.

    To me it seems funny. Its hard to belive that this many people can be involved but, whos to say that wasnt done on purpose to make tracking any one person to be responsible, nearly impossible.

    The kennedy assassination was minor compared to this ****, because this one is a global conspiracy. It affects the entire global economy.

    In a stupid joking kinda way, in my head i picture like 10-15 bigwig rich suit wearing motherfuckers from NorthAmerica, MiddleEast,China, all that ****, sitting in a underground bunker somewhere in the States. Working on a scheme to make GLOBAL (cant think of the word. Kinda like a GLOBAL POLICE STATE) where this one group of RICH BIGWIGS have all the pull and the Superpowers of the world are nothing but military muscle to enforce this around the globe.

    I think one day there will be only One military and hundreds of Terrorist organizations around the world.

    One Giant Military to police the world and rid it of Terrorists who might not always be evil, but want things the way they were.

    Im yapping off now, and getting too ahead of myself. Lets just say that me being a born pessismist and i have an open mind. I see things getting way fucked up before my lifetime is over. Not so far as to have that on GLOBAL police but still, i see **** hitting the fucking fan in less than 10 years. OIL. MONEY. POWER. (thats all there seems to be)

    (Edited by CanadianDAN at 1:16 pm on Jan. 3, 2006)
  5. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    I also though the bit about the "fake" right handed osama admitting guilt was also interesting.

    All i know is generally theres a grain of truth in everything.
  6. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Truth is in the number of the dead.:ponder:
  7. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    Depends which side your talking about.
  8. Oxycotin

    Oxycotin Full Flowering

    i dunno if i can believe it.....if any of this was ever investigated and found to be truth, i don't think anyone in the US would settle for anythin less then hanging bush and all who was in on this from the highest trees in DC, i sure as HELL know i wouldn't. that would be treason in the worst way possible, ta sell out the lives of your own ppl for money.....damn shoulda voted nader....(lol)
  9. neobud

    neobud Begun Flowering


    The videogame boy who wants to play with the big kids won't watch the video, Yet still wants to refute everything because he is a bush baby and a sheep. THEN misquotes me I said, and IT WAS 2 TRILLION dollars not 3.

    Typical sheep behavior should we call bush and ask him to pin a medal on you?

    How many people knew about Pearl Harbor? How many people would it take to set that up? How many Generals and even foreign officers had to be involved to pull that off.

    DAMN another murderous, treason commiting republican fucking presinazi set that up. FDR in case you did not know who the crooked fucking presinazi was during the murder at Pearl Harbor. Same thing he wanted a war he got one. He was morally corrupt and murdered 1000's of Americans. HMMMMMMM?

    See a pattern yet?

    Once again your reasoning is pathetic and without any intelligence behind it because you are obviously ignorant of US history. HEY it's ok poke your little wool covered head into the ground and keep grazing sheepboy let the farmers (rep) lead you to the slaughter.
  10. Oxycotin

    Oxycotin Full Flowering

    i dunno bout the pearl harbour man, that was strait up japs bomin the hell outta us, not all the pres's was crooked, jut the recent ones. and hell i liked clinton, i miss the good ol days when i trusted the govenment:(
  11. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni


    Quote: from Oxycotin on 5:52 pm on Jan. 3, 2006
    i dunno if i can believe it.....if any of this was ever investigated and found to be truth, i don't think anyone in the US would settle for anythin less then hanging bush and all who was in on this from the highest trees in DC, i sure as HELL know i wouldn't. that would be treason in the worst way possible, ta sell out the lives of your own ppl for money.....damn shoulda voted nader....(lol)

    I'm not sure the average American thinks much past his own life...
    What I see is; if he/she has it better than most they tend to defend those providing the paycheck.
    I noticed in the 2001 and 2004 elections that most thought "what do I care happens after I'm dead.. "
    So no one thinks farther than their own lives in most cases imo..
    So they vote to protect themselves, cut taxes, cut social programs, add police.

    So in place of a valid opposition to corporate news and Government oversight we have conspiracy theory.

    What am I going on about... damn sober again.

    (Edited by Randy High at 6:47 pm on Jan. 3, 2006)
  12. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Thats alright Neo, I know you are a sick man, and your illness prevents you from looking at any other point of view. Since Neo cannot discuss **** rationally this thread is now in politics.
  13. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

  14. Mazar

    Mazar Developed Alternating Nodes

    No disrespect SFC but i think your the one who is incapable of looking at it from another point of view, by just swallowing whats been rammed down your throat and admitting yourself you have not even bothered to watch the video before making comment.
  15. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    None taken Mazar. I do not believe everything that has been "rammed down my throat" by any means. I just don't buy into all of the conspiracy theories either.It is your choice whether ,or not to believe. Like I previously asked what was there to gain by this elaborate conspiracy? I still believe it would have been impossible to pull it off. Lets also keep in mind that the media in America is very left leaning, do you not think that if there was enough evidence of this they would be all over it? They hate Bush as much as you do. The choice is yours.
  16. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    I more than agree that the whole conspiracy idea is far fetched at best. just like any other major event in US history their is a fringe group that comes up with a conspiracy theory. having said that and also being a bush basher a lot of questions come to light. kinda like going to see garenheit 9/11. you just start to realize that you don't have to trust or believe the president simply because he is the president. quite the opposite IMO. I don't trust him because he's the president. :biggrin:
  17. thesmoker

    thesmoker Germinated

    Your doing to much Crank if you think this video is for real.

    And I even hate Bush.
  18. neobud

    neobud Begun Flowering

    Ok Smoker lets here why. What makes you think it is not for real?
  19. fishman

    fishman Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    Quote: from starfleetcommand on 12:33 pm on Jan. 3, 2006
    Besides this crackpot theory of stealing 3 trillion dollars, what extra political gain was there to be had that wasn't already gained by the WTC? I just cannot side in with this theory. Before you start ranting I did not watch the video, no need to. It would have required to many people to pull something like that off, somebody would have slipped by now. It is just not logisticly possible IMO, to many people.

    I'm with you SFC. The gov can't do a competent job of covering up who leaked information on a CIA agent. C'mon now.
  20. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

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