9-11 Conspiracy Video

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CanadianDAN, Dec 31, 2005.

  1. neobud

    neobud Begun Flowering

    Well I think Bush, his brother, Rumsfeld and anyone else involved should be tried for treason and murder1 plus any crimes against humanity that can be pressed against them.

    All this to go get oil, get back at the people who tried to kill his daddy and squash the SEC trials against wallstreet and the US Gov.

    As old Hank said, " I wish i could spit some beechnut in that dudes eye."

    **** BUSH AND the US government!!!!
  2. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    i with ya on that US Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Sec. 8 (g)
  3. Bigtits

    Bigtits Germinated

    Do you idiots here what **** you are actually saying,it was a conspiracy:LOL:The government can't run this country but they sure can come up w/ a sophisticated cover up and ONLY GK stoners can figure it out:LOL:

    There was no plane parts WAWONA cause you know how hot jet fuel burns you moron,and were you there sifting thru the rubble you faggot?The GK conspiracy club,led by a fucking CANADIAN:LOL:

    Hey how do you sink a Canadian submarine?Swim down and knock on the door.
  4. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    Umm the video didnt seem canadian.

    Did you watch the dam video, or are those mantits of yours blocking your view? Jetfuel doesnt burn hot enough to obliterate/vaporise metal completely, especially titanium. Why is it that in all other large aircrash sites there are always remains of planes.

    The pentagon and philadelphia crash sites sure didnt look like plane crash sites.  

    Anyway, doesnt seem like a sophisticated cover up, just the control of information.

    U.s elections are a pretty good example of that.

    Anyway, i dont give a flying **** really about you and your country. Doesnt impact on my life, being a muslim may not be all that bad. Pricks like you will be executed daily and i can have me some of that cool concubine action they got going on.

    Gotta have comic relief.
  5. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    well if you had watched the video and done a bit of research on your own, bigtits, you would realize that jet fuel in a pure oxygen environment, which would be much hotter than the fire at the pentagon, burns at a temperature that is less than the temperature that it takes to melt the engines on those planes. there were no engines there and the temp wasn't high enough to have melted them. Physically impossible for that to have happened.

    so as far as a fuckin moron, i have yo point THAT finget at you. BIGTITS that is.
  6. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    And the end result is permission to spend unlimited funds and invade Iraq.
  7. Bigtits

    Bigtits Germinated

    So Canadiandan isn't Canadian,i thought he brung up this video.Yes so it was brung up from a hairy Canadian,watch the video you say,well read my post MORONS.So you guys were there sifting thru the rubble,my bad.So what was our Government to gain from bombing the pentagon?

    Oh yeah bombing Iraq like high Randy said,well we didn't need an exscuse to go kill a mad man sorry girls.

    Wawona the all mighty still newbie knows nothing about what was found at the Pentagon,oh wait could he have watched a doctored video or something.The things people on drugs will believe.You people need to spend some time w/ your girlfriends or wives instead of being on here smoking schwag and saying to the computer screen,no way man it's gotta be true if it's on a video.JUST SAY NO ladies.
  8. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    I sifted through the rubble and all i found was this lousy passport :LOL:
  9. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni


    Quote: from PutTheKnivesOn on 7:28 pm on Jan. 2, 2006
    I sifted through the rubble and all i found was this lousy passport :LOL:

    Hey I got one too! does yours say made in Iraq?
  10. Bigtits

    Bigtits Germinated

    Yeah w/ your dads picture.
  11. Roma1703

    Roma1703 Developed Alternating Nodes

    ummm, i dunno if its just me but i think the mods should do sum clean up on Aisle 5, lol this big boob has littered our forum with nonsense babble and shat in our grow closets. apparantly another grower tony or one of their followers
  12. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    You claim to be so smart denying all this **** yet you use the most genreral stereotypes as insults and havent even watched the damned thing before making your comments.

    Oh yea, that makes you much wiser than us. Along with the Internet confidence you throw around. You're the joke here pal. [​IMG]

    I never said any of that **** happened. I said im intrested in it and i dont trust the American Government.
  13. Steve O

    Steve O Full Flowering


    Quote: from CanadianDAN on 10:21 pm on Dec. 31, 2005

    Im canadian, and i care more about your country and government and lifestyle than you do. No wonder They can pull such bigs ones over on their own people, They just dont care.

    dan, i'm not going to get into a discussion over it, because i dont follow certain **** for a reason, and i probably know less about the subject than you do. i'm a libertarian, a 'do what feels good' person, and i do believe that we, as americans, should have certain rights that we dont have.

    so i'll tell you what i think.

    i think that as far as the rest of the world is concerned, we, as americans, have so much of a better chance than people in 3rd world countries will ever have, and i think that this country is one of the 'free-est' countries in the world. that really doesnt say much for all the other countries, the ones in poverty and such.

    but most americans have lived their whole lives without experiencing the poverty that other countries go through on a daily basis. that makes me think that our standards are higher.

    which is why i think the whole fucking thing is 'off'... it's because the political parties will never agree, especially not to 'agree to disagree'. with the 2 main parties all caught up with 'standards', in their own opinions, people lose out on getting to be heard.

    the main problem i have with our government is.. when was the last time a person got a shitload of supporters and got something the democratic way?

    "majority rules, on the grounds of any reasonable, peaceful suit, and of any and all public votes." that's how it's written that it's supposed to work.

    but it doesnt work that way because the american people dont even get their requests HEARD anymore.

    IMO, thats the main problem in america. dont get pissed off at me, it's just my opinion.

    i didnt watch the video yet, i got dial-up.

  14. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    No i dont get pissed. Its all good man this forum is here for opinions and chit chat.

    Just cause i posted this all doesnt mean anything beyond me just being intrested in it.

    Its all good to me man. I dotn think living in america is bad at all, im just saying things seem to be fucked up as of lately thats all. [​IMG]

    I wonder what **** we will be discussing in like 20 years?
  15. Steve O

    Steve O Full Flowering

    growin' pot? lol

    hopefully by then it'll be nice and legal, man.

    we just need a REVOLUTIONARY:)

  16. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    If pot was legal, a lot of us probably wouldnt be at this site.

    Be carefull what you wish for :LOL:
  17. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    Hey BigE :wave: you trying to make fun of me on the computer? I'd have to agree that compared to you I am a relative newbie to grwoing. What does that have to do with this? this exchange became much more ignorantly unbelievable when I found out that you were not simply the childish punk i thought you were. You are actually a pretty intelligent person, as far as I could tell, but you have let a website lead you to personal attacks on people you don't even know. ahhh!!! it easier that way. i get it.

    i thought the passport portion was kinda weird. the fact that these titanium jet engines got hot enough to melt, supposedly, but this highjacker's passport flew out of his pocket, out of a window in a fiery plane full of jet fuel hot enough to melt titanium, through the flaming building, out another window and to the ground 80 stories below where it was intact enough to be seen and recovered by a police officer. amongst billions of other pieces of paper debris i might add.

    Oh!! lookie here! it's the passport from a highjacker. GUILTY!!!
  18. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    The pasport.. yes a plant if nothing else.

    But the pentagon being hit in the very place where it was rebuilt to withstand a missile attack and then no jet engines or wings left behind? No skid marks on the grass?

    It's suspect..

    However, i doubt the "Government" is behind this.. More like the Ultra capitalists.. AKA "The Bank."

    Not only that, i tend to believe Saudi A is the one who gets the most out of this...

    If I followed the money it leads to Saudi A...

    911 helped Bush in the polls and it saved Saudi A a war with Saddam that might have not been won.

    Thus democratic reforms in the Saudi A area may never have a chance to be.

    These reforms would cause the ruling family some or much loss in power. Since Saudi A owns over 7% of the USA well you can see why we have killed over 35000...
  19. neobud

    neobud Begun Flowering

    WRONG on the money.

    Remeber the SEC trials were about to nail Bush and Rumsfeld because they admitted that 2 TRILLION dollars of US tax dollars could not be accounted for because they were missing the transactions etc. HOW THE **** could you lose 2 TRILLION dollars.

    Gues where the documents and all were being stored?

    You guessed it. The world trade Towers and building 7 right next to them. Those were the only three to collapse. Uhm be destroyed to ensure proper shredding of evidence. Also 1 billion dollars in silver and gold ingots were missing from the safe below the WTC. The rest was intact and noe of the empty safes were damaged. HMMMMM?

    Gets a bit clearer now huh?

    (Edited by neobud at 9:32 am on Jan. 3, 2006)
  20. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    i with neo on this one.

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