33minutes ago(Associated Press)>Obamas 1st major mistake!Obama 0-Mermaid 1

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TheApprentice, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Aww no worries either my dear frd! Actually I enjoy your posts and usually agree with you when it comes to politics. I think all of us wish things were different in the world we live in no matter what our political views for this country has much work ahead and it seems our freedom we once had is slowly but surely going to be a blurrrrr from our past.

    We need a hero to step up to the plate and fight the corrupt government that tries to take more and more away and is setting up us for failure. Between the spending and taking our hard earned money to the back door deals they make which never benefit us and only profits their needs and wants. We do not need more government in our lives no more then we need senseless wars which were started because of greed. Oil, money and power has taken a toll on our country and other countries as well. Root of all evil and always hoped we would live in peace one day across every nation. Ahh wishful thinking but hey one can wish right? ;)

    Wish everyone would unite to take back our country for it is "we the people" not the government who defines us although I understand why people live in fear of them. Fear is crippling and it is sad it has come to this but maybe we will have a revolution for surely something has to give.

    Peace ~ mermaid
  2. nikoatnight

    nikoatnight Full Flowering

    I'm surprised a revolution hasn't happened already!?

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