metal pipe wheezing, water bong not

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Cannagirl, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    So after using a water bong for 3 years I switched to a small metal pipe for conveinience. Within a week I had this dry rasping wheezing kinda noise when i exhaled in just the right way. Now I switched back to a water bong 2 weeks ago and it is completely gone. The wheezing had been going on for like 6 months non-stop. I thought it was just because i have been smoking every day for something like 2 years now.

    well, now i definately think it was the pipe. Maybe we should take some time to really consider a water bong for the benefits to the lungs. That water really does do something important. I know we found out mj doesn't cause cancer but there are a lot of other things the smoke itself is doing. Lets take care of ourselves, try a water bong!

    Small pipes and joints ect, they are so friggin harsh I almost can't stand smoking. I think they put a lot more resin in your lungs too cuz not only did i have the wheezing, I was constantly coughing up black crap. Thats gone too. Oh and I don't smoke ciggs cuz that would probly throw this experiment off.
  2. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    it's not the water canna but the metal itself....

    metal is pourous and metal degrades rather quickly around heat.

    Guess where that stuff goes? That's right! In your lungs....

    Glass is sanitary ... metal is not...

    I won't even smoke from a metal bowl anymore....

    There is no need to kill my lungs when i got a glass pipe that is smooth as silk with no funny metal tasting weed...

    ditch the metal pipe.
  3. PurePlaya420

    PurePlaya420 Full Flowering

    I dont know dont like metal heats up to fast. I only smoke outta papers and glass. I know when I first started smoking I would use tinfoil but quit that real fast! Just get a glass pipe if you want something thats easy to cary around.

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