Manchurian canidate

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tiberon, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Ever seen?
    If your into politics and conspiricies....this is a killer flick for you.
    I heard the book is as equally as good.

    I thought there was alot of coincidences with todays admin.
  2. RacerX

    RacerX A Fat Sticky Bud

    I saw it a while back, and thought it was a good movie... What similarities did you see? I'm too stoned to remember most of the movie... guess I'll have to rent it again :lol:
  3. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Manchurian= Haliburton

    The dynasty of the senators= Bush dynasty

    They are talking about cheating elections and shady politicians.

    last night i finally watched it. It blew me away with how close it was to real politics in todays post 9-11 era.
  4. SD

    SD Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Damn good movie!:ebert:

    We watched it a few months ago. Someone give that man an oscar, Denzel. Tibs I'd say theres alot of coincidences with the administrations of the last 40 years.

    Excellent movie...
  5. Kiwigrower

    Kiwigrower Full Flowering

    I just watched it, and thought it was very good.

    It wasnt what i expected though as the manchurian concept isnt new.

    I remember seeing some doco that alleged Mark chapman, the assasin of John Lennon was a manchurian and the book The catcher in the rye was some sort of trigger. Was kinda interesting.

    Having a Cold and being Whacked sure is a headfucker as it is :puke:
  6. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    In the "War on Terror" we will be crushed between the so-called "terrorists" and the forces of "homeland security". The result will be world dictatorship, which we will welcome as respite from the "terror".
  7. Kiwigrower

    Kiwigrower Full Flowering

    All empires fall in the end, world dictatorship has never happened and imo will never happen.
  8. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Mainstream history, by its very nature, cannot be trusted. It is mainstream because it is accepted by so-called authorities (historians, politicians, and those in the employ of the elite and powerful). It serves the agendas of those same authorities, and is therefore nothing more than propaganda or an adherence to the “party line.”

    Alternative histories are those histories which challenge the authorities, the party line, the mainstream, and then attempt -- hopefully -- to research and present history in terms of what actually transpired, and not necessarily what might make someone or something look good. Alternative histories are not necessarily any more legitimate than the stuff served up by the mainstream -- they can have their own agendas as well. But an earnest effort into discovering historical truths can be very enlightening.

    The study of history is really about considering all or most of the alternatives and applying Discrimination in deciding what in fact was the truth, what actually happened, and what does it mean to us today. “Yea shall know the truth and the truth shall set yea free.” But truth often comes at the price of homework, of an open mind, and an ability to let go (after perhaps a momentary period of anger at having been deceived) of any and all notions and preconceptions -- in effect, being primed for a Paradigm Shift.

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